Today’s AAA National Average $3.083
Price as of 3/14/25
Today’s AAA
National Average
Price as of3/14/25

National Retail Prices
4.661 to 3.196
3.195 to 3.009
3.008 to 2.929
2.928 to 2.802
2.801 to 2.643
Regular | Mid-Grade | Premium | Diesel | E85 | |
Current Avg. | $3.083 | $3.561 | $3.914 | $3.615 | $2.513 |
Yesterday Avg. | $3.079 | $3.555 | $3.908 | $3.619 | $2.505 |
Week Ago Avg. | $3.106 | $3.582 | $3.936 | $3.645 | $2.528 |
Month Ago Avg. | $3.165 | $3.641 | $3.994 | $3.672 | $2.592 |
Year Ago Avg. | $3.412 | $3.855 | $4.191 | $4.037 | $2.787 |
highest recorded average price
Price | Date | |||
Regular Unleaded | $5.016 | 6/14/22 | ||
Diesel | $5.816 | 6/19/22 |